1.Thank you for offering to volunteer as a coach/manager for an Alconbury Colts team. We are grateful for your involvement and we are committed to assist with the development of both you and the teams that you coach.
Club Ethos
2.The ethos of the club is to encourage the use of the Alconbury facilities and to provide an open and friendly club attracting a diverse range of players from differing ethnic and economic backgrounds and varying levels of skills and abilities. The club encourages the inclusion and improvement of all players no matter what their starting ability and to follow the FA Charter to develop the grass roots of football.
3.We support the RESPECT programme and encourage fair play and player respect for opponents, officials and managers/coaches. We encourage the playing of attractive and flowing football with skill and technique being preferred rather than a strength and player size based brand of football.
Club Commitments
4.As part of our commitment:
a. We offer to financially sponsor coaching courses and other support and developmental training for the duration of your time with us.
b.We will also offer guidance and direction on the running of your team.
c.We will support and encourage the use of the FA mentoring scheme and help you to improve your skills to the benefit of all players signed to Alconbury Colts for your team.
d.We will defend your position against disrespectful parents and players in the event of conflicts and complaints.
e.We will define the kit standards and supply kit as necessary at the beginning of each season. This will include footballs and other training needs but is dependant on funding availability.
f.We will provide the playing surfaces and equipment to support the Colts teams for matches, tournaments and training.
g.We will support and champion the achievement of FA coaching nadges and qualifications by our managers and coaches.
Manager/Coach Commitments
5.In return:
a.We will require you to commit to coaching an Alconbury team for a minimum of 12 calendar months following any payment of course fees. This has been agreed with the local FA and as a result, should you choose to move to another club before the 12 months has completed, we would expect either you or the receiving club to reimburse 100 % of any fees paid by Alconbury during the preceding 12 months.
b.Shouldyou choose not to reimburse any funds the local FA have agreed NOT to register you with any other club until at least 12months after your last coaching payment was made.
c.We expect that you will refrain from swearing, smoking and drinking alcohol in front of your players and that you act as a role model for your impressionable charges.
d.Your teams should try to play in an attractive and flowing manner in line with the club ethos and the abilities of your players.
e.Winning is encouraged but not at all costs and sportsmanship and fair play should be the primary drivers of all matches.
f.The club kit should be as defined and procured by the club
g.The welfare of the players is paramount and all coaches/managers should apply FA and club welfare best practice in all circumstances. In particular you should always coach with a minimum 2 club officials in attendance in line with FA policy. This is to protect you from misconduct claims.
6.We look forward to your involvement with the club. We agree to the terms of the contract above.
Coach Name (Printed)
Coach Signature
Committee Representative Role
Committee Representative Name
Committee Representative Signature